Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog #3 response

I am so thankful that I decided to take this class, it makes me excited that I chose to do the Ed Tech masters program. After 8 days I feel confident in several different new venues that I had little to no experience with prior to taking this class. I am just starting my teacher career and I feel that this technology knowledge is going to make me not only valuable in my district but will allow me to help other teachers in my building find things that they can use in their classrooms. I really liked the resource project for this class because it forced me to find good quality age appropriate material already available for me on the web. I was surprised at how many good quality sites there were for art education.  I know that educational technology will be a big part of my future career and hope that it will make me more valuable in my profession. There are not a lot of k-12 art educators who are also technologically inclined so I count myself as rare and love the advantage and edge that it gives me. It is also a perk that I truly enjoy learning and technology and hope to share that passion with my students as well.

#3 tech blog response

I am an art teacher and so often I am worried about copyright laws when I am trying to use imagery from the web for presentations purposes. Thank you for sharing your insight on the Clker site, I think that it is a safe and reliable site, and I really like that I can still have the artistic license to edit even the Clipart images themselves. I think that there is still room for clipart in our new and upcoming 2.0 world.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tech blog #2
I posted a lengthy comment on this blog, but it is up to the blog administrator to allow the comment to be viewed. I posted on the Mrs. Bakers Technology class art project involving movement and photoshop with second grade students.

Curriculum Integration Project

For my curriculum integration project I plan on creating a web quest that I will be able to use with my fifth grade art students. The title will be "What kind of Artist are you?' and the quest will be to research several different contemporary artists and their styles of art.After researching several different sites provided and looking through images students will choose just one to research in more detail. Once the student visits specific sites explaining the work of the artist they choose, they will be instructed to choose their favorite work and write a short essay explain what they liked about the artist they choose and why. I will have the students Included some biographical information about the artist and choose a piece created by that artist that they found most inspiring. Once a student has completed the webquest they will be instructed to make a work of art using the art room materials in the style of the artist they chose to write about. For example if a student decided to study Roy Lichtenstein, then after writing about his life and work, they will create an image in Liechtenstein's style using pointillism and comic book techniques. 
I think that this type of web-quest is going to fit very nicely into my curriculum. With each new unit I start I typically connect the art with cross curricular content and history as well. By creating web-quests such as these I will be able to allow the students to have a more interactive role with exploring the art forms of different cultures and different time periods. There are several different movements that have taken place through art history such as; dadaism, cubism. modern and so one. Web -quests will allow my students to investigate these  movements on their own instead of just through a lecture format from me. I think that this will be a great supplementary resource in my classroom for the coming year, and I hope to use the one I create to start a knowledge base on how to make web-quests for the future.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tech blog comment #1

Blog post 1

I hope to gain a well-rounded knowledge of not only educational websites and there potential, but also new and different programs that can help me stay connected, and organized within my classroom. I look forward to gaining a knowledge base with sites like moodle, webquests, wikis, and others that I do not yet know. I also want to learn about where technology is heading in terms of education and what the current ideas are on student laptop ratios and testing online. For me technology is huge in my district and as the art teacher, where most of the learning is hands on and project based, it is challenging to find new ways to integrate technologies into state standards within my curriculum. Some experiences that I may be able to offer to other students during this class session would be my knowledge of smart boards, document cameras, and visual sites such as photoshop, and illustrator.
When considering a technology integration project I would like to find a website or program that is free and easily maneuverable for fourth and fifth grade students that we could create artwork on. Programs like Paint seem out dated and I would like to try and find a newer technology to share with my students and have them create a work of art on the computer and then recreate the same image using art materials and compare and contrast the two. I feel like I will use a lot of the information gained from this class to not only make my life easier and have that much more information available for my students in a differentiated way, but I feel like the class content will also help my confidence in my own technological abilities.


I am officially a blogger good to know!